Spring Private Treaty Bull Sales Open March 3

HeartBrand Cattle will continue leading in Akaushi genetics by providing functional bulls to commercial cattlemen, helping them maximize their yield from each calf crop. Crossing fullblood Akaushi bulls with your preferred cow base is a proven concept, consistently delivering results for both parties.

Our team invites you to the HeartBrand Ranch to view the new crop of bulls available for private treaty sale, starting March 3. Book time to view bulls for sale by calling the HeartBrand Cattle office at 830-540-3955. We will be selling 100 2-year-old fullblood Akaushi bulls.

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Select Females for Sale

Select HeartBrand Cattle females are for sale. Email jcarrales@heartbrandbeef.com or call 830-540-3955 for details and to schedule a time to visit the ranch and view.

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Check back later for more HeartBrand Cattle sale opportunities.